Hoy inicia oficialmente temporada ciclónica 2019; conozca los nombres de los posibles huracanes.

La temporada ciclónica comienza oficialmente hoy, hasta el 30 de noviembre, período en el que se espera la formación de al menos 13 ciclones tropicales, cinco de los cuales podrían alcanzar la categoría de huracanes.


Polo.-Diputada Noris Medina realiza entrega de electrodomésticos y realiza fiesta a madres

Polo.-la Diputada Noris Medina realiza entrega de electrodomésticos y realiza fiesta a madres de esta comunidad. La precandidata a senadora por (PLD), en la provincia de Barahona Licda. Noris Elizabeth Medina realiza una majestuosa fiesta a las Madres que fue  de gran regocijo para la más de 300 madres que se dieron que participaron del evento.


Las nuevas tecnologías, su impacto en el cerebro (1)

En el Areíto del sábado 11 de mayo el presidente de la Academia de Ciencias, el Dr. Luis Scheker Ortiz, publicó un enjundioso ensayo con el título: ¿Podrá la máquina pensante desplazar el cerebro humano?, que me ha motivado a hacer algunas reflexiones que deseo compartir en varios “conversatorios? sabatinos.


Realizan desmontes en loma de Barahona para el conuquismo y fabricaciòn de carbòn vegetal

FOTO. SOLIMAR BETANCES EN BARAHONA, (Repùblica Dominicana), 30 Mayo, 2019: Desaprensivos han comenzado a realizar desmontes en una loma, próxima al sector Los Gandules, en la parte alta de esta ciudad, situación que preocupa a la comunidad barahonera.


Ubuntu Budgie Whistles Up a Better Remix

If you have yet to try the developing Budgie desktop, the latest release of Ubuntu Budgie is a perfect opportunity to experience a classy and user-friendly computing platform. Budgie is one of the first home-grown Linux distros to release its latest version based on Ubuntu 18.04. The independent developer announced Ubuntu Budgie 18.04 last week, […]


Microsoft Gives Productivity Tools More AI Chops

Microsoft on Wednesday announced new artificial intelligence features and functionality for several of its flagship products and services, including Office 365, Cortana and Bing, at an event in San Francisco. Harry Shum, EVP of Microsoft Artificial Intelligence and Research, demonstrated some of the new capabilities Building on the progress the company has made in integrating […]


Oracle Releases Second Half of Autonomous DB

A lot of people might have thought Oracle’s announcement of the autonomous database at last year’s OpenWorld and its subsequent release earlier this year were the whole story, but there’s a lot more, and Tuesday’s webcast featuring Larry Ellison was proof. Ellison must find his CTO role — since he handed the CEO reins to […]


Farsight Security COO Alexa Raad: ‘Be Your Own Champion’

Alexa Raad is chief operating officer of Farsight Security, based in San Mateo, California. Farsight Security is a provider of real-time actionable Internet threat intelligence solutions. In this exclusive interview, Raad discusses methods of curbing cybercrime by tracking bad actors through the trails they leave in the domain name system. She also offers some encouraging […]


Tinder founders sue parent companies Match and IAC for at least $2B

A group of Tinder founders and executives has filed a lawsuit against parent company Match Group and its controlling shareholder IAC. The plaintiffs in the suit include Tinder co-founders Sean Rad, Justin Mateen and Jonathan Badeen — Badeen still works at Tinder, as do plaintiffs James Kim (the company’s vice president of finance) and Rosette […]